Kumpulan Soal Fisika(cahaya)

1. Figure beside shows a light beam passing through a transparent plastic in which trapped an air   bubble-shaped bola.Anak arrows indicate precisely which direction the light rays in the bubble is ... ..
A. I                                                           I
B. II                                                                    II
C. III                                                                        III
D. IV               
   light                              IV
E. V                                                                  V
2. A fold spread light from medium index usually n1 to medium n2 likes picture. true statement. .
                 Sinar datang

               α                                        n1

                                               β         n2
A. n1 sin α = n2 sin β
B. n1 sin β = n2 sin α
C. n1 cos β = n2 cos α
D. n1 cos α = n2 cos β
E. n1 sin α = n2 cos β

3. At reflection ray from air to the water is smaller, so angle come from…
A. bigger than reflection angle
B. the reflection angle is constant
C. smaller than the reflection angle
D. The reflection angle is depend on the reflection index
E. The reflection angle can be smaller or bigger, depend to the polarization of the light

4.Lightning air index of refraction air.if surface water 4/3, which of the following relationships are considered the most completely adapted to the image?

a.                   Sin(90-x)         =4/3
Sin y
b.                  .sin x                =4/3
Sin (90-y)
c.                   sin x                 =4/3
Sin y
d.                  sin y                 =4/3
Sin x
e.                   cos y                =4/3
cos x

5.Former light emanates from environment to environment with 30 ° angle and refracted angle 45 °. This relatively average postcode to the medium is . . .
A. ½
B. ½ √2
C. ½ √3
D. √2
E. 2
6. If monochromatic entering the greater medium refractive index,then the wavelength (λ) and   velocity (v),change as followed.The  correct statement is . . . .
a.                   λ   and v be of bigger
b.                   λ  and v be of smaller
c.                    λ  be of bigger and v be of smaller
d.                   λ  be of smaller and v be of bigger
e.                    λ  and v constant
7. Light has a speed in vacuum for c = 3 x 108 m / s. If the water velocity  c ,its means that the refractive index of water...
a. 0,75                                                            
b. 1,78                                                            
c. 0,56
d. 1,33
e. 1,45

8. Speed of light in air 3,00 x 108 m s-1. Tthe speed of light in water (refractive index) is k x 10m s-1 where k is......
A.                 1,69
B.                 2,25
C.                 2,33
D.                 4,00
E.                  5,33

9. if in hydrogen surface (refractive index 1, 4) dropped light monokromatis wavelength 7000 Å and incidence angle 30˚, so light that refracted insides has wavelength. . .
a.                   4000Å            
b.                  5000Å
c.                   5500Å
d.                  6000 Å
e.                   6500 Å

10. a beam wavelength 6,0 x 10-5 cm enter from the air into glass beam the refraction index 1,5. light wavelength in glass equal to. . . . . .
a.9,0x10-5 cm
b.7,5x10-3 cm
c. 6,0x10-5 cm
d. 4,5x10-5 cm
e. 4,0x10-5 cm

11.       A medal that was in a plastic cube appear 12 mm below the surface of the cube. If the refractive index of 1.5 plastic, then the depth medal is actually ... ..
A.                 6 mm
B.                 8 mm
C.                 18 mm
D.                 24 mm
E.                  30mm

12.In a tube with eter (indeks bias n=1,36) distance between floor up soil with tube floor is 17 cm. If we look with straigh erectfrom floorup How many biger showing distance floor up soil with tube floor?
A. 8,5 cm       
B. 10 cm         
C. 12,5 cm
D. 15 cm
E. 17 cm

13.a beam of light to come on the surface of the water with the incidence angle of 60 degrees and then get out of the water surface as shown in the picture. if the bias of water , then the large angle θ
a. 300
b. 450  
c. 600
d. arc sin 1,33
e. can not be calculated from the known data

rays come                                            Ѳ rays exit

14. Which of the following diagrams shows the path of light to be of glass blocks ?

A.                         B.                          C.

D.                         E.

15. Light on one of the thick glass surface with incidence angle 600 . indesks refractive glass 1,50. with the exit point of how much light from other glass surfaces???

16. If nA is known and nB is the refractive index of medium A and B with nA > nB, θ is the angle of light spread from medium A to B, then when θ is the critical angle effect…
A. Sin θ = nB/ nA                                             D. nB Sin θ = nA  
B. Sin θ = nA/ nB                                              E. Sin θ = nB -  nA
C. Sin θ = nA .  nB

17. Light from the glass with an index of refraction 1.5 heading into ethanol, which breaking   point 600. Refraction ethanol ... (3 = 1.73)
A.0,59                         D. 2,4
B.0,75                          E. 3,0

18.              A monokromatis ray with long waves 6 x 10-7  m come a transparant material. If  indeks andrift a transparant material is 1,16 therefore angel average is....
A. 300
B. 450
C. 600
D. 750
E. 900

19. Above the glass surface is a layer of light penetrate the surface boundary water(µ=1,33).A beam of glasses of water began to experience total internal reflection in the glass 53°.indeks refractive angle used is. . . .( tan 37°=3/4)
a.                   1,45
b.                  1,55
c.                   1,66
d.                  1,8
e.                   1,82

From the ray of light that falls on the side of a glass chip parallel, as shown above, which through the chip to exit the other side of the glass…
     A.  only 1 and 2                                                        D. only 4
     B. only 3 and 4                                                       E. only 1, 2 and 3
      C. all

21.       A beam of light from medium A to medium Ι then through medium ΙΙ.
v = the velocity of the light in medium Ι
n = light refractive index in medium Ι
v = the velocity of the light in medium ΙΙ
n = light refractive index in medium ΙΙ
So, it will have relationship….
a.                   n > n ; v = v
b.                  n < n ; v > v
c.                   n > n ; v > v
d.                  n < n ; v < v
e.                   n = n ; v < v

22. Which picture true demo light refraction in prism…
A.                                                                                B.

C.                                                                                 D.


23. AB monochromatic light beam perpendicular dropped on one side of the prism height of the bracket 300 and the index of refraction 1,5. The point C will turn….
a.                   refracted with a refractive angle > 300
b.                   refracted with a refractive angle <300
c.                    reflected and refracted
d.                  reflected perfectly
e.                   reflected in the direction A
24. Rainbow production by process that between sunlight and rainwater drops caused by   events next.

a. reflection and refraction
b. reflection, deflector and diffraction
c. diffraction and refraction
d. reflection and interferensi
e. only reflection
25. a parallel pieces of glass from glass materials (index of refraction ng) separating the water (refractive index na) from air (refractive index 1.0) as shown in picture.sheaf ray of light in the water coming at an angle θ on the surface of the glass and out into the water with refraction light which is almost parallel to the glass surface. Value sin θ is ...



A.                ng – na
26.Critical angle of material is 450 and the indesks refractive .  If a ray coming to the surface of the field with the angle 600, which shows the exact path traveled by light in the material.





27.A upright shadow and clear can at obtain from a only if prism is composed the position correctly. Pictures hereunder show five composition possibilities from two prisms, with beam is showed. where is correct composition for prism and light?
            a.                                                         d.


b.                                                         e.


28.  a transparent plastic sheet (index of refraction ) floating on water surface. So the light came as in the picture below the water surface is reflected perfectly by the plastic limit of the angle θ must be eligible


A.                 sin θ = na l nk
B.                 sin θ = nk l na
C.                 cos θ = (nk2 – na2) ½
D.                 sin θ = nk l (nk2- na2)1/2
E.                  tan θ = nk l na

29.       A formed glass cask a trilateral prism loadeds with water,  and light comes with normal direction in side xy (see picture). if water refractive index and glass each and. masing-masing  dan . Perfect reflection will happen in limit area kaca-udara xy only if sin Ө bigger than. .







                                                        4 cm
A glass diameter in picture 4 cm. If empty glass and eye position likes to demoed in picture, so  eye exactly see end base glass (points a). If glass loadeds full of hydrogen the refraction index ½  so correct eye see centre shadow base glass (points p) appear.Glass height (h) is….
a.                   2 cm                d. 2 cm
b.                  4 cm                e. 4 cm
c.                   6 cm

31. Shadow from a real object which putting down farther than distance focus a convergent lens always….
a. smaller than its object
b. bigger tha  its object
c. same size measure with its object
d. inversed
e.guide of C

32 . shadow of a real object, the distance f of a lens kovergen
a.                   nothing
b.                  virtual upright and larger than the object
c.                   real, roll back, and larger than the object
d.                  real, roll back, and the size same with the object
e.                   virtual, upright, and smaller than the object

33. A lens is placed between luminous objects and screens. The distance between objects
on the screen is 0.60 m. Lenses that are required to shadow the same size with the
size of the object is. . . .

A. convex, f = 0.30 m
B. concave, f = 0.30 m
C. convex, f = 0.15 m
D. concave, f = 0.15 m
E. convex, f = 0.20 m

34. form a virtual image of an object, the object is placed in front of the lens as far as x is a magnitude 5 diopri. then x is….
a. less than 20 cm
b. more than 20 cm, but less than 40 cm.
c. more than 40 cm, but less than 50 cm.
d. more than 50 cm
e. any distance

35. Image formed by a diverging lens to a tangible object never…..
a.                   Real
b.                  Maya
c.                   Erect
d.                  Smaller than the object
e.                   In front of the object
36.       Object is placed 0.3 m in front of a negative lens with focal length 0.15 m that occurred at a distance of shadow . . .
A. 0,1m behind the lens
B. 0,1m in front of the lens
C. 0,3m behind the lens
D. 0,3m in front of the lens
E. 0,25m behind the lens

37. Shadow formed by the positive lens from an object located at a distance greater than f but less than 2f from the lens (f = lens focus distance) are:
A. real, upright, in the larger
B. real, inverted, diperbsar
C. real, inverted, reduced
D. real, upright, reduced
E. real, upright, same size
38. A lens with strength 2 diopters is laided in front of a lens with strength 20 diopters. so that light ray in a line that in lens 1 refracted by lens ii as bundle in a line again, so lens second distance must…
A. 5 x 10-2 m
B. 10-2 m
C. 4,5 x 10-1 m
D. 5,0 x 10-1 m
E. 5,5 x 10-1 m

39. from the picture below : L = positive lens, T = flat mirror. The thing (p) located in the fire board of L. The real shadow happen in…


A. Infinite in the right L
B. Infinite in the left L
C. Coincide with L
D. In the distance of f, in the left side of L
E. In the distance of f, in the right side of L

40.An object that is located in the axis of a convex lens and was deeply moved over near the focus point (but no more than the focus point). The distance between the object and the image formed by the lens….
a.                   continuously declining
b.                  continued to increase
c.                    remain the same
d.                  increase and then decrease
e.                   decrease and then increase
41.       Distance from the shadow of an object, a distance of 12 cm in a converging lens with a focal length of 16 cm is . . .
A. -4cm
B. -48cm
C. 4cm
D. 16cm
E. 48cm

42.The image formed at a distance 1 meter behind the mirror that have power  5 dioptri.The location object  toward the mirror that is. . . . .
a.                   0.25 meter
b.                  0.30 meter
c.                   0.35 meter
d.                  0.40 meter
e.                   0.45 meter
43. If the shadow object is 6 cm from the lens is 6cm behind the object, the lens has a focal Amka
a. -12cm                                              d. 4cm
b. -4cm                                                            e.12cm
c. 3cm

44.       a candle with a 6 cm in height is 80 cm ahead of a lens with a focal length of 60 cm. The   shadow is ...
A.                 2 cm tall, erect
B.                 2 cm tall, inverted
C.                 8 cm tall, erect
D.                 18 cm tall, erect
E.                  18 cm tall, inverted

45.       A thing is located in distance 4 cm in the face of convex lens. Shadow that produced upright, enlarged 5 times. Lens fire points distance (in cm) is…..
a.                   1 1/4                d. 6
b.                  3 1/3                e. 9
c.                   5

46.a thing location in front of convex lens have distance fire points 12 cm. if got    upright  shadow is enlarged 3 times, thing located in lens face in distance(in cm) …..
e. 18
47.       An object located 30 cm in front of the convex lens which has a focal distance of 10 cm. For the real image produced twice the size of the shadow of the original, the object must be shifted ... ...
A. 10 cm from the lens
B.  15 cm from the lens
C. 10 cm into the lens
D. 15 cm into the lens
E. 28 ⅓ into the lens

48.a lens with focus distance 12cm make aereck shadow with 3x original noun. Distance in cm between noun and shadow is...
A. 8,0
B. 16         
C. 24
D. 32
E.  48

49.an object and a screen separated by a fixed distance. When a lens is inserted between the body and oWDEbtained the image screen size is 6 cm or  cm. size of the object is….
a. 2 cm
b. 3 cm
c. 4 cm
d. 4 cm
e. 9 cm

50. A concave meniscus lens has a convex and concave surfaces. Concave surface has a radius of 30cm, and the convex has a radius of 50cm. Index of refraction of glass is 1.50, then the focal lens is…
a. -50 cm
b. -100 cm
c. -150 cm
d. +50 cm
e. +100 cm

51.  A double convex lens has a curvature of thin fingers 40 cm and made with glass with µ=1,65. In cm long the focus is……….
a.20                             d.21
b.35                             e.25

52. Bikankof symmetric lens with a radius of 8 cm. Lens focal length when in the media of bias 1.6 Indexed…
A.  -8                                                    D. +64  
B. +8                                                    E. -64
C. +20

53. An object is located at a distance 2R in front of the lens plankonveks curved field radius R and refractive index of 1.5 kelengkunganya. flat surface is a flat mirror. So the final image is located at a distance. . .
A.                  R in the face of arch
B.                  2R in the face of arch
C.                  R behind the curved area
D.                  2R behind the curved area
E.                   infinity behind the curved area

54.              A plantkonveks lens have one flat sector and have conveks sector. If plantkonveks lens have focus distance 12 cm and make from mirror with indeks andrift 1,60 therefore radius curse conveks sector is ....
A. 3,6 cm
B. 5,4 cm
C. 7,2 cm
D. 8,0 cm
E. 9,0 cm

55. Lens in air has a focal length 15cm. Refractive index lens materials 1.5. when the lens is in its refractive index of water  4/3, focal length lens into . . . . .
a.                   10 cm
b.                  15 cm
c.                   22.5 cm
d.                  60 cm
e.                   120 cm
56.       Refractive index of air 1, the water refractive index 4/3, and the index of refraction lens 3/2. Thin lens in air force 4 diopters in the water…
A.  1 diopters                                                    D. 5/3 diopters 
B. 5/2 diopters                                                 E.  3/5 diopters
C. 5/4 diopters

57.       a lens bikonveks with curvature radius each other are  18 cm and 24 cm. if thing      is located in front of lens in distance 24 cm produced real shadow in distance 32          cm, so lens ingredient refractive index is…….
a.                   1,25                 d.  1,67
b.                  1,33                 e.  1,75
c.                   1,50

58. If two thin lens focus distance is -5cm and 10 cm are fused, so fuse lens power (in diopter) is…
A.                                                                               D. -5
B. -2                                                                            C. 4
E. -10

59.If the strength of two thin lenses are combined 4 diopters and the lens focal length of the first 5 cm, the distance of the two lenses is…
a.                   -6,25 cm
b.                  6,25 cm
c.                   -12,50 cm
d.                  12,50 cm
e.                   25 cm
60. Two thin lens with refractive index same 1,5 has focus distance 5 cm and 20 cm. if both put (to merger) then dyed into water with refractive index 4/3, so focus of lens distance merges into water..
a. 4 cm
b. 8 cm
c. 16 cm
d. 25 cm
e. 100 cm

61. The diagram below shows two thin lenses L1 and L2, a distance of 30 cm, and the focus distance of each 40 cm. radiance major axis parallel rays come at the end L1. Shadow formed by the second refracting lens is …
                                                                             30 cm


                                                              L1                                                     L2

A. real and lies between the L1 and L2
B.real and located in the right L2
C.virtual and located in the left L1
D.virtual and located in the right L2
E.at a great distance
62.In the figure below , parallel rays entering the lens L1 which has a focal distance of 30 cm, and then  headed to the concave lens L2 which has a focal distace of 20 cm. The distance between lenses L2 and L1 is 20 cm. Shadow formed by the end of the lens arrangement is...
                                                                20 cm

                                                     30cm                          20cm
                                                     L1                                               L2                                                                               
a.                   At L1
b.                  13,3 cm from L1
c.                   40 cm from L2
d.                  At L2
e.                   At infinity
63.       Three lens each has distances focus 10 cm, -10cm,  and 10 cm. The optics axiss lays in one straight line. Distance between one lens with other lens each 4cm. If sunshine enters first lens along the optics axis, so sun shadow that formed by that lens composition located in hind third lens as far as …
a.                   3.43 cm
b.                  4.61 cm
c.                   5.24 cm
d.                  15.09 cm
e.                   18. 08 cm

64. an object whose height 6 cm placed 40 cm ahead of a thin lens with a focus length 8 cm. A second converging lens has a focus length  12 cm is placed behind the first lens as far as 20 cm. So, the high end image that formed is…
A.                 6 cm
B.                 9 cm
C.                 12 m
D.                 15 cm
E.                  18 cm

65.       Two lens in diagram under this illuminated with beam in a line from left. lens b now  moved slowly is approaching lens a. secretory beam from lens b. . . 

25 cm
F=25 cm


A.                 at first in a line and then divergent
B.                 always divergent
C.                 at first gather and then in a line
D.                 always gather
E.                  always in a line


66.       If a light comes in deliver face 2 medias bigger than critical angle so there is no light is sustained. Because a part energy from light comes to be light energy that bounced back in perfect reflection event

67. A beam of light from the air comes vertically at water level. The event of deflextion that happened, a beam of light change
1. direction creep
2. wavelength
3. frequency
4. velocity
68 . between the effects of optical effects that influence can be explained by total reflection of light at the boundary of two transparent media?
1.                  apparent bending of a straight rod dipped in water
2.                  sightings cracked in the glass window
3.                  The apparent movement of the stars really, if you look through the atmosphere
4.                  sighted a fatamorgana in the desert on a hot day

69. Dispersion of light can occur when a beam of light refracted polikromatis:
(1) on a flat surface that limits of two different medium
(2) in prism
(3) on the spherical surface that separates two different media
(4) spherical lens
70. plankonveks view lens radius of 20 cm and the index 3 / 2. object in front of the lens and in the form of seeing a real image magnification of 2x, then
(1) 60 cm in front of the location of the object lens
(2) 60 cm focal length lens
(3) location of the shadow 120 cm behind the lens
(4) shadow is upright